Program Overview
The Case Management Program provides supportive services to Veterans living in permanent housing to assist with strengthening their independent living skills and long-term housing goals. Volunteers of America of Florida is a 501c3 nonprofit with results-driven programming which are measured through Outcomes. 100% of the participants are involved in both meaningful and volunteer activities as constituted by Program Outcomes.
Qualifications for this Program
- Must be 18 years or older
- Must be a Veteran with General, Other, or Honorable Discharge
- Must be living in permanent housing
Requirements to Remain in the Program
- Remain clean and sober
- Motivated to interact in the community through volunteer work, employment, or pursuing educational opportunities
- Attend all medical and behavioral health appointments
Year Established
Services Provided
- Case management
- Home visits
- Training in independent life skills, such as:
- Meal planning
- How to use public transportation
- Financial management and more
- Safety, social, and empowerment skills
- Vocational and educational counseling
- Case conferencing with other providers
Funding Partner
U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (VA)