Group Volunteer Opportunities
Corporate philanthropy is a proven driver in achieving business objectives such as employee engagement and retention. VOAFL will work with your organization to engage your employees in meaningful work that serves their communities and provides them with a sense of accomplishment and service.
Engaging your team in volunteering enhances your company’s visibility, reputation, and business results:
- 60% of hiring managers see the act of volunteerism as a valuable asset when making recruitment decisions.
- 70% of corporate volunteers believe volunteerism boosts morale more than company mixers.
- 92% of human resources executives agree that contributing to a nonprofit can improve an employee’s leadership skills.
statistics from Volunteer Hub
How to Apply
Program Locations for Volunteering
For more information on volunteering, please contact:
Development & Outreach Team Office: (727) 369-8475 Email:
Help Sustain our Centers
- Paint and decorate
- Maintain landscaping
- Create murals or inspirational art
- Revitalize and renovate our homes and buildings
Skills-Based Volunteer Opportunities
Use your or your company’s expertise to help VOAFL achieve its mission through skills-based volunteering. You can impact your community by sharing your knowledge and professional skills with our clients or staff.
Many of our clients need to develop their employment readiness, money management abilities and general life skills. Here are just a few ways you can help:
- Prepare clients for employment by assisting with resume and job interview skills
- Teach computer skills classes
- Provide financial coaching and money management classes
- Provide educational and career counseling
- Teach vocational training classes
- Teach nutrition and/or cooking classes
- Teach yoga and/or exercise classes
Individual Volunteer Opportunities
Work with Clients
- Volunteer at or donate supplies to a brightening Birthday celebrations
- Assist an adult with a resume or job interview skills
- Provide support to adults with disabilities at our 811s
- Volunteering can help you internally, in your career, and even help you live longer.
Holiday Season Help
- Donate food to our holiday meals or gifts to our clients
- Help set up, clean up and serve
- Sing holiday carols, make Valentine’s Day cards, decorate
Work Behind the Scenes
- Organize a clothing drive or toiletry drive to benefit one of our programs
- Plan special events like holiday activities, silent or live auctions, open houses, BBQs and more
- Assemble toiletry kits
- Help with administrative tasks in our offices
Volunteering can help you internally, in your career, and even help you live longer.
- 96% of volunteers claim they feel a sense of purpose, therefore happier and healthier.
- Volunteering helps decrease high stress levels, anxiety, or depression.
- Volunteering increases self-confidence and self-esteem by 6%
- Volunteering connects you with your community, which can lower the mortality rate by 2.7%
- Volunteering helps gain reputable skills for a future career and gives a 27% advantage over non-volunteers
Statistics from Track it Forward